Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Semi-formal Summary

Yousif AlAmer showed a stunning performance in his semi-presentation last week, he made other speakers seem less good, he introduced his topic in the common, classic, college way, most of the students used the asking a question to attract the students into there topics, it worked, but its not very creative. Yousif seemed very organized, he looked in no doubt, 'sure' he knew what he was talking about, his voice was heard and it showed confident in him. Although Yousif had a few glances into his notes or maybe peeked his slide, but no one would disagree that Yousif's eye-contact was brilliant, every one felt he was looking at them individually, his posture helped him a lot, especially the way he stood tall where every one can see. He was very creative in his power point, the background was white, text was dark and clear, the visuals were very relating and most importantly, the animations and transitions, he didn't put any, which was very clever because transitions would waste time, and it doesn't help when working alone. He didn't conclude his topic very clearly, or else we didn't know he was concluding. But overall his presentation was terrific and attracting, he choose a very nice topic, although it wasn't my field of interest, but the way he introduced it, made it seem nice.


  1. Abdulla:

    Both writings are well written and organized. I like your descriptions of the meeting proceeding and presentations.

    Keep up the good work!

    The Fox

  2. PS:

    Try using separate paragraphs for your writing to separate the various topics. It's easier for the reader to view!
