Saturday, January 8, 2011

Reflection on formal presentation

The practice video

Long ago, i did know that watching myself present using a mirror or a recorded video would help me improve myself a little, but i never used it, i had no idea it would be of this big help until i saw myself practicing for my formal presentation.

I am not saying that i didn't learn from the videos the teacher showed us, the feed backs he gave us after every presentation we did, or by observing my friends present, but the video was the most significant changer in my performance. I did not know that i use to make a small jump every time i'm trying to remember a word or something like that, but you can't relay on the video itself; in my practice video i spoke in an interactive voice,i seemed to be doing very good in it, but when i gave the presentation, the teacher told me that in few parts of my presentation i was presenting like a robot.

there is no denial that we have improved so many of our skills throughout this course, my last presentation was magnificently different then my first, i changed a lot.

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