Sunday, January 9, 2011

Communicative Skills

Communicative Skills

This course has been very gainful for our communication activities, or future careers. Its one of two most important skills in any professional life, besides reading, presenting is very important for any idea or theory to be understood. A U.S. president once said. 'if i ever go back to collage, i would study writing and presentations.' Some people could be very smart in something, but can't translate it out of there mind, therefore, writing and presenting are important skills.   

we have gained in this course very valuable experiences in organizing, each one of this course's exercises needed to be organized well, else you won't learn more adequately then organizing. We had meeting exercise at the beginning of this course, we learned how agendas are made and the importance of making them before the meeting, after the meeting is done the note taker organizes the minutes. After that we had presentations where we learned that we had to practice a lot to look like good presenters, i'm not sure if i was the best, but i'm sure we all did good, practicing for your presentation isn't only to help your reputation, but its the audiences rights that they've come to see something worth their time you might be taking. Before the presentation you had to draw your speech a map, or as its called, 'the outline,' without its a little hard for your audience to keep up with what you're saying, unless you'are a professional, the outline does help you and your audience a lot.

I have really enjoyed this course, it has become more of a hobby, i think in the future i would be taking any opportunity in standing in front of an audience, i might take more courses to develop more of this great skill  

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