Monday, January 10, 2011

Formal - summary

Presenters: Saif Al Marzouqi   
                    Zaid Al Maskari
Venue: J30
Date and Time: 30/12/2010 – from  11:00am till 11:15am
Saif ‘s and Zaid’s topic was about the oil spill how does it happens, what is the effect of oil spill and what is the solutions. There introduction was good they gave us facts about the oil spill. Saif was confident while Zaid was a bit nervous. They both used eye contact and there gestures was good. Saif was more organized with his information than Zaid but Saif looked at his notes a lot. Zaid in the other hand didn’t have notes but paused a lot to remember his information. For a person of their level they did great. They weren’t standing in front of the screen. The delivery was well they didn’t have a monotone.
The power point was good. The visuals was nice and clear, the background wasn’t so dark nor bright, the font wasn’t so big the size was big enough to see and there was enough information in the power point for us to read. It was well organized
In conclusion they did good the power point was good they could have done better if they practiced before. With more and more practice come good results. 

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