Monday, January 10, 2011

Formal - summary

Presenters: Saif Al Marzouqi   
                    Zaid Al Maskari
Venue: J30
Date and Time: 30/12/2010 – from  11:00am till 11:15am
Saif ‘s and Zaid’s topic was about the oil spill how does it happens, what is the effect of oil spill and what is the solutions. There introduction was good they gave us facts about the oil spill. Saif was confident while Zaid was a bit nervous. They both used eye contact and there gestures was good. Saif was more organized with his information than Zaid but Saif looked at his notes a lot. Zaid in the other hand didn’t have notes but paused a lot to remember his information. For a person of their level they did great. They weren’t standing in front of the screen. The delivery was well they didn’t have a monotone.
The power point was good. The visuals was nice and clear, the background wasn’t so dark nor bright, the font wasn’t so big the size was big enough to see and there was enough information in the power point for us to read. It was well organized
In conclusion they did good the power point was good they could have done better if they practiced before. With more and more practice come good results. 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Communicative Skills

Communicative Skills

This course has been very gainful for our communication activities, or future careers. Its one of two most important skills in any professional life, besides reading, presenting is very important for any idea or theory to be understood. A U.S. president once said. 'if i ever go back to collage, i would study writing and presentations.' Some people could be very smart in something, but can't translate it out of there mind, therefore, writing and presenting are important skills.   

we have gained in this course very valuable experiences in organizing, each one of this course's exercises needed to be organized well, else you won't learn more adequately then organizing. We had meeting exercise at the beginning of this course, we learned how agendas are made and the importance of making them before the meeting, after the meeting is done the note taker organizes the minutes. After that we had presentations where we learned that we had to practice a lot to look like good presenters, i'm not sure if i was the best, but i'm sure we all did good, practicing for your presentation isn't only to help your reputation, but its the audiences rights that they've come to see something worth their time you might be taking. Before the presentation you had to draw your speech a map, or as its called, 'the outline,' without its a little hard for your audience to keep up with what you're saying, unless you'are a professional, the outline does help you and your audience a lot.

I have really enjoyed this course, it has become more of a hobby, i think in the future i would be taking any opportunity in standing in front of an audience, i might take more courses to develop more of this great skill  

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Reflection on formal presentation

The practice video

Long ago, i did know that watching myself present using a mirror or a recorded video would help me improve myself a little, but i never used it, i had no idea it would be of this big help until i saw myself practicing for my formal presentation.

I am not saying that i didn't learn from the videos the teacher showed us, the feed backs he gave us after every presentation we did, or by observing my friends present, but the video was the most significant changer in my performance. I did not know that i use to make a small jump every time i'm trying to remember a word or something like that, but you can't relay on the video itself; in my practice video i spoke in an interactive voice,i seemed to be doing very good in it, but when i gave the presentation, the teacher told me that in few parts of my presentation i was presenting like a robot.

there is no denial that we have improved so many of our skills throughout this course, my last presentation was magnificently different then my first, i changed a lot.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Semi-formal Summary

Yousif AlAmer showed a stunning performance in his semi-presentation last week, he made other speakers seem less good, he introduced his topic in the common, classic, college way, most of the students used the asking a question to attract the students into there topics, it worked, but its not very creative. Yousif seemed very organized, he looked in no doubt, 'sure' he knew what he was talking about, his voice was heard and it showed confident in him. Although Yousif had a few glances into his notes or maybe peeked his slide, but no one would disagree that Yousif's eye-contact was brilliant, every one felt he was looking at them individually, his posture helped him a lot, especially the way he stood tall where every one can see. He was very creative in his power point, the background was white, text was dark and clear, the visuals were very relating and most importantly, the animations and transitions, he didn't put any, which was very clever because transitions would waste time, and it doesn't help when working alone. He didn't conclude his topic very clearly, or else we didn't know he was concluding. But overall his presentation was terrific and attracting, he choose a very nice topic, although it wasn't my field of interest, but the way he introduced it, made it seem nice.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Meeting Reflection

I had a meeting with some of my classmates on October, we discussed life at ADMC and could we improve things for students that come from outside of AbuDhabi. I was the Chairman to, Ali, who was the note-taker, we were joined as well with two attendees, Adnan and Awad. the meeting was very exiting, our introuduction wasn't but excellent, we discussed the points at the Agenda very elegantly and professional with idea sharing and a very organised, polite discussion. Our conclusion was very relating and recalling, but forgot to tell them when would the next meeting be although the action plan was stated clearly. I've learned too many from this amazing experience, I've learned organizing an agenda, sharing discussion and most importantly, 'punctuality,' it might not be related to the meeting very much, but coming on time, finishing on time, does save a lot of time in our every day, 'busy life style.'  I have read a few books on managing meeting, one had a very interesting method the writer called it the Six Hats Method, its very long to describe but it saves more time and its amazingly efficient, it was suggested by Edward De Bono, the author of the best seller Lateral Thinking, i think in my future meetings i would be using his method.

Abdullah A. AlHosani

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Welcome to my blog...!


     Hello everyone, welcome to my new blog; where i'll be posting articles about technologies used in transportation engineering and many other things i might find interesting and fun for.

 -photo: new tunnel in Yas island 2/8/2010